Why Nostr is our Superpower
Seeker is built on Nostr, meaning all of the data about your events, calendars, and meet-ups are public and distributed.
Frequently asked questions
If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.
Do I need a Nostr account to user Seeker?
Nope, just create an account like you would on any other website. We'll handle evertything else in the background.
How are events stored?
All events are based on the NIP-52 calendar events spec which can be found here https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/52.md. They are stored on Nostr relays and interoperable between Nostr clients.
Does this work with Flockstr?
Yes! That's the beauty of Nostr. All events on Seeker will also show up on Flockstr and vice-versa.
How much does it cost?
Nothing! Seeker is completly free to use. We may introduce some pro features down the line, but users will always be able to browse and rsvp to events to no cost.
Why bother with Nostr?
Using Nostr allows you to bring your entire social graph along with you. You aren't starting from square one trying to establish a community, all of your followers on Nostr and your followers on Seeker as well!
What's next for Seeker?
We're exploring different ways to provide value to our users. Event check-ins are something that I'm keen on exploring. I think leveraging the Nostr social graph will make this experience incredible.